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Abrimos nuevas oficinas en Madrid! 馃殌

隆Grandes noticias! Abrimos nuestras nuevas oficinas en el coraz贸n de Madrid con el apoyo de Brainy Commerce y Miguel de Reina. Descubre m谩s sobre este emocionante paso en nuestro crecimiento.


DE RUY: Una colaboraci贸n estrat茅gica con Linkvids para reforzar marcas ic贸nicas en el mercado de fragancias

Linkvids y DE RUY, unen creatividad y estrategia para revitalizar marcas ic贸nicas en el mercado de fragancias. Desde Brummel Premium hasta Nike Perfumes, exploramos c贸mo nuestras campa帽as multimedia, spots televisivos y contenido digital han transformado la conexi贸n de estas marcas con sus audiencias. Juntos, marcamos la diferencia en el sector de las fragancias con innovaci贸n y excelencia.


Linkvids es ahora TikTok Shop Partner en Espa帽a

Descubre c贸mo Linkvids, agencia l铆der en producci贸n audiovisual, se convierte en TikTok Shop Partner en Espa帽a. Potenciamos marcas y creadores con estrategias 煤nicas de contenido y TikTok Shop.


Linkvids shines at Weird Market with the presentation of Rollin' Punkies

Alberto Andr茅s, project manager, together with Silvia Molina, illustrator and animator, represent Linkvids at the Weird Market with the presentation of Rollin' Punkies, an exciting short film that captivated the audience of the event.


Linkvids collaborates with IAB to create content for Inspirational 2024

Linkvids partners with IAB Spain to manage content creation at Inspirational 2024, a key event in the digital industry with more than 80 speakers and new award categories. Linkvids will be responsible for capturing and distributing visual content across multiple platforms, contributing to the success of one of the most innovative events in digital marketing.


Linkvids collaborates with XGIMI on the global launch of Mogo 3 Pro

Linkvids has worked with XGIMI to create the advertising campaign for the launch of the Mogo 3 Pro projector. This project includes a spot for television and digital platforms, as well as visual content adapted for social networks in several languages, with the aim of strengthening XGIMI's presence in key markets such as France, Germany, UK and Italy.


More than 2000 talents for your video productions with Linkvids

At Linkvids, we pride ourselves on our ability to produce high quality video content thanks to our extensive network of talent.


DR SMILE expands its brand presence in IBERIA through innovative UGC partnership

DR SMILE has entered into an innovative collaboration with Linkvids to create a customized set of user-generated content (UGC) for its audiences in Spain and Portugal.


SEAT CODE launches an inspiring corporate video to drive innovation.

SEAT CODE has launched an attractive corporate video, creatively and comprehensively produced by Linkvids.